Many salutary effects are attributed to him and intoxicating it is despite the extraction of hemp not – the cannabidiol, so the CBD oil . The psychoactive effect of THC, which is also obtained from the hemp plant , does not occur in CBD. Most of the CBD is in the commercial industrial hemp from which clothes are made. Cannabidiol, while free of drugs, is packed with vital nutrients. For example , CBD helps against insomnia, acne and, ironically, cessation of smoking.
How CBD helps ...
… in insomnia
Sleeping pills help people to bridge restless periods with artificial sleep. But this chemical cocktail also has its pitfalls. These “side effects” can include headaches, nausea, daytime fatigue and difficulty concentrating. The CBD oil, however, has no side effects when used for insomnia. The ingredients naturally relax the body. Already after the first application, many people realize the difference in the morning – with the cannabidiol oil one is much more relaxed and the relaxation of sleep is transferred almost 1: 1 to everyday life.
… against everyday and punctual stress
The relaxing and ultimately calming properties of CBD oil help in the office, at school or in other everyday situations, in which one recognizes that one’s own stress level is disproportionately high and does more harm than good. People who act and work on stage also like to take the CBD oil against anxiety and against nervousness – that is, against stage fright.
… in the relief of multiple sclerosis
Studies carried out on rodents have shown that a soothing effect on the use of CBD oil in multiple sclerosis sets in. In the mice there was an improvement in the mobility, as well as the general condition. The effect is not fully tested, but the results give hope.
… when quit smoking
Ironically, the hemp ingredient THC is often taken up by smoking. However, those who want to quit smoking, including regular cigarettes, usually have a hard way to go, thanks to their deep dependence. According to a study, the CBD oil can help addicts to get rid of nicotine. The CBD oil reduces the desire for a cigarette. CBD not only helps to quit smoking, it can also help incorrigible smokers to reduce their consumption – not only the lungs, but also the wallet is good.
… against acne
The reason for acne, whether in adolescents or adults, is usually too high a fat content of the skin . Again, the CBD oil can help. By applying the oil is just that fat content of the skin is reduced, which is responsible for the many small and unfortunately sometimes larger pimples . CBD assistance is often permanent after a long period of application.
… against allergies and against asthma
When the immune system is either attacked, simply “out of gear” or totally overreacted, it often happens that you have allergies or asthma. An additional effect is that the oil can inhibit inflammation. According to some studies, CBD is even able to either reduce allergy attacks, or even negate them altogether.
… overweight or obesity
The desire to eat something regulates the appetite. When a person feels an appetite, he eats, whether he needs food or not. This can lead to obesity. CBD has the ability to curb your appetite. Thus, CBD is a particularly good tool for all people who have a change in their diet envisaged. However, CBD is not a miracle cure. It curbs your appetite, but you also have to be willing to implement this template.
… many other diseases
CBD is constantly being tested and tested on many old and new diseases. As a result, new areas of application for CBD oil are constantly being added. For example, CBD also helps with Alzheimer’s, arthritis, nausea, nervous disorders or, more generally, addictions.
So far, no or only minor side effects have been identified by the ingestion or general use of the CBD oil. It is important to note , however , that in the best case the intake should be discussed in advance with a doctor. If one does not have this possibility, one is still the best standard. You should keep an eye on your own body after taking it. Despite their lack of side effects, experts nevertheless recommend that children , as well as pregnant or nursing mothers, should refrain from using CBD oils. This recommendation is due to the lack of data from a long-term study. Such has not been done. Until then, self-responsibility applies.
CBD as a therapeutic agent of the hemp plant has become increasingly popular in recent years. The old image of the dangerous drug cannabis has given way to new scientific evidence. Learn more about the effects of CBD and its potential effects on many diseases.
Since the medical application of CBD gained notoriety, the product became more and more important. While traditional medical treatments can cause severe side effects, cannabidiol has valuable benefits.
CBD is the second active substance of the hemp plant, which has a mental and physical stress-reducing effect on humans . Contrary to the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol – THC for short – cannabidiol has no intoxicating effect. As a result, you can not get high. Because the psychoactive compounds are missing. In addition, no overdose is possible.
Since CBD oil is completely free of THC, you can buy it legally. The extraction of cannabidiol involves the combination of extremely high time-consuming and expensive procedures. This is necessary so that the valuable properties of cannabidiol are not lost. In addition, the strictest regulatory requirements during hemp processing must be observed. Only in this way can high quality standards of users as well as industry be kept.
CBD is the non-potent agent in the cannabis plant.
In which diseases does it show effect?
Cannabis (with THC) has long been known as a harmful drug. For this reason, not all clinical effects are known yet. Nevertheless, many aspects have already been researched scientifically. Therefore, cannabis in Switzerland today can find its use in many diseases for clinical purposes. In particular, in diseases that are associated with inflammation and pain, CBD has been proven so far.
How does it affect the human body?
Cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids. These are special active ingredients, which are mostly in the hemp plant. Among the best-known cannabinoids are THC and CBD. THC is responsible for the intoxicating effect of the hemp plant.
Cannabinoids were discovered very late. In the 1970s, scientists have been able to unravel the structure of THC as well as cannabidiol. By contrast, it was possible to decipher salicylic acid in the plant as early as the 1960s. Due to the very late identification, the possibility of using CBD in the medical field has unfortunately been forgotten in the last century. For at the beginning of the 20th century, completely different demands were placed on knowledge
certain ingredients than was the case in the last century. Only when the cannabinoids were recognized in their full therapeutic effect, the recognition of today’s medicine of CBD again increased. Since then CBD is legally available in Switzerland.
The positive effects on the human organism have been recognized late.
Scientists first scrutinized the structure of CBD and other cannabinoids. When they realized that they were responsible for the specific effects of cannabis, they unraveled the phenomenon of the effect of CBD hemp. As part of these studies, they discovered the endocannabinoid system in the human organism.
The endocannabinoid system takes on the task of controlling various body processes in the human body. Accordingly, it has a decisive influence on the
Thus, the endocannabinoid system plays a key role in your well-being.
How do you achieve the effects?
Since cannabinoid receptors are present in many places in our body, CBD can cause different effects according to statements in studies. Among other things, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory as well as analgesic effects can be observed (17). In addition, experts describe in their study results that CBD can resolve fears and have a calming effect (11). Due to its antioxidant properties, cannabidiol is able to protect both genetic material and cells from negative influences.
A large number of cell examinations have shown that cannabis can be used in cancer (8). This could stop cancer growth.
To get the best possible effect, cannabis decarboxylation has proven itself. This is the heating of cannabis. Cannabis decarboxylation is especially interesting for you if you want to bake or cook with CBD. The cannabinoids CBD and THC are present in hemp in the form of carboxylic acids. This is the talk of CBDA and THCA. A means acid à sour. By heating cannabis you can achieve the desired effects.
Cannabinoid receptors are found in various areas of the human body where cannabidiol may exert its beneficial effects.
Get more involved with CBD hemp oil, it is helpful to take a look at reputable test pages. For example, Stiftung Warentest has been working intensively on CBD oil.
CBD oil is mainly found in fiber hemp. Cannabidiol oil can be purchased legally in the trade.
Many people still believe that hemp is marihuana. It is not so. Because there are very different varieties. These are grown extra for therapeutic purposes. As a result, you will find little or no THC in CBD oil.
Especially in industrially grown hemp is a high proportion of CBD. For this reason, he finds for the production of noise-free hemp oil use. First and foremost cannabidiol is an extremely high proportion of cannabis sativa in the female cannabis strain. This is also the reason why the valuable CBD oil is extracted from it.
Depending on the product selected, CBD e-liquids contain different ingredients. For you as a user, it is particularly important to know whether the products contain nicotine. You are also interested in which flavorings contain liquids and how much CBD is present in the product. Characteristic of CBD Liquids is a content of CBD, water and glycerine.
In addition to cannabidiol products such as capsules or oils, CBD E Liquid is becoming increasingly popular. The liquid is liquid for e-cigarettes.
CBD Liquid in e-cigarettes
The CBD liquid for e-cigarettes is often mixed with different flavors. Besides these, the liquids contain glycerol. When you buy a liquid, it is best to contact a trader you trust. After all, manufacturers who produce e-liquid for Europe’s market set other standards than traders from China. It can often be seen already in the pricing, whether the contained CBD high or low doses and especially what quality it is.
Cannabinoids can not only be extracted from the hemp plant. They are also produced by laboratory technology. When buying CBD Liquids, always make sure that it is pure cannabidiol. This is usually recognizable when the CBD E Liquid on the packaging lacks the indication that it comes from the hemp plant.
Because all of our yoyocan e-liquids are free of nicotine and exclusively fortified with CBD, you may be able to stop smoking through the CBD. If you smoke CBD, take cannabidiol over the alveoli.
CBD Liquid finds mainly smokers trailers who have switched to e-cigarettes.
Effect of CBD Liquid
If you consume cannabidiol, it is best to use the CBD E Liquid. Liquid is the liquid for evaporation in e-cigarettes. But even in vaporizers you can smoke the CBD. By vaporizing the liquid it is possible to achieve effects similar to those of a cigarette. The only difference to the normal cigarette is the lack of nicotine. In addition, nothing is burned, but only evaporated. This is an extremely high lung health factor that you should definitely pay attention to.
During the evaporation of e-liquid, you absorb the ingredients directly through the bloodstream. When smoking cigarettes, these first cross the digestive tract and the liver. Thus, the smoking of CBD Liquid with the e-cigarette can achieve a quick effect. Therefore, you can count on an earlier occurrence of a possible effect by about half an hour to whole hour. On the whole, liquids have better bioavailability. Nevertheless, by steaming they are more harmful to the organism.
By vaporizing Liquid, the active ingredients get into the bloodstream faster.
Production and application of liquids
For the production of liquids there are three options. CBD E-Liquid is initially produced like other liquids. They differ in part in the composition. So these additionally contain flavorings. However, for you as a consumer, the way in which the added cannabidiol is produced is crucial. The following three options differ in terms of effort, quality and costs.
production feasibility description
oil Due to this process, no alcohol, but oil for the production of CBD is used. Because cannabidiol is fat-soluble. However, the carrier oil used is not evaporable. For this reason, the end product is a light oil. Thus, the process of extraction using a carrier oil is less suitable for the production of CBD E-liquids.
Alcohol CBD is an extremely light alcohol soluble substance. During the process of extraction by means of appropriate solvents, a benefit is derived from this aspect. Because there is an insertion of strong cannabinoid-containing portions of the hemp plant – especially the flowers – in alcoholic solutions. These remain in the alcohol until they are completely soaked.
This is followed by a high heating of the mixture. So the alcohol can evaporate. The end product cannabidiol remains behind. The resulting powder is also known as CBD crystals. And, depending on the product, it will continue to be used.
In Germany E Liquid mixes with the CBD. Cost and effort are limited. However, this does not affect the quality of the CBD produced.
Supercritical CO 2 extraction Probably the best production method for cannabidiol products is the so-called supercritical CO 2 extraction.
This causes the heating of CBD-containing portions of the hemp plant. As a result, the occurring CBD enters a stage of development that is between the liquid and the gaseous state. There is talk in the jargon of a supercritical phase. During this stage, cannabidiol is relatively easy to dissolve. Therefore, a problem-free dissolution of the CBD from individual parts of the plant using CO 2 gas is given.
The final product is highly pure CBD of outstanding quality, which is almost free from residues.
The above overview explains the three available production possibilities.
If you are interested in experiences with the CBD Liquid, you will find a lot of information on the internet in relevant forums.
Cannabis oil has proven valuable in many ailments. Many sufferers report a relief especially in physical as well as emotional complaints.
cannabis oil
Cannabis oil is extracted from the cannabis plant. This contains 104 active substances. The two best known ingredients of hemp plants are THC and CBD. CBD has therapeutic effects. These drugs are found in tiny resin glands. They are on the buds and leaves of the cannabis plant. In our laboratory, the extraction takes place from the plant. The extract thus obtained contains a high CBD value. This is followed by mixing the paste with hemp oil. Olive oil has also proven itself. This is how our CBD products are made.
The extracted from the cannabis plant oil can be therapeutically supportive.
In most cases, cannabis oil contains THC. When people want to buy cannabis oil, they often think CBD oil. Many people think CBD has an intoxicating effect. You also know the difference between CBD and THC? THC oil is illegal in Switzerland as well as in a large number of other countries. On the other hand, you can legally buy cannabis oil without THC.
There is not just cannabis oil with THC that is intoxicating. After taking it you fall into a euphoric mood. Our oil is different. This is oil without THC. Most of these find their use for medical purposes. Cannabis oil without THC is an extract obtained directly from the cannabis flower. However, since there is still THC in this, it must first be separated from the CBD in a special procedure. According to scientific studies, cannabis oil can prove valuable against various ailments. More information can be found, for example, at the German Hanfverband. Before the separation process, buy THC oil.
There are big differences between cannabis oil with and without THC.
To separate CBD from THC requires a complex process. In industry, carbon dioxide is often used for separation. If you want to make cannabis oil yourself, it is best to use a solvent. Recommended are ethanol or butane.
Mince the THC-free CBD grass. This can be done by hand or with the help of scissors. In the best case, however, use a grinder ideally suited for this purpose.
Then place the cannabis flowers in a jar. Pour the flowers with alcohol, which has an alcohol content of at least 95%. Let the cannabis flowers rest for four minutes.
Pour this oil mixture into a prepared saucepan. In doing so, leave the hemp plants in the first container.
Add fresh alcohol to the saucepan with the oil. Let the mixture again draw for five minutes.
Then you can also add the mixture with the cannabis plants in the saucepan. Heat this to about 100 degrees.
Alcohol has a boiling temperature of 100 degrees. On the other hand, Canabis oil has a higher boiling point. Therefore, the oil remains in the pot after the evaporation process.
To cover the taste of the CBD, you can add another oil. Because the separation process, other components of cannabis, for example, chlorophyll dissolve. This leaves a bitter taste.
If you have followed all the steps correctly, you are now in possession of cannabis oil without THC.
. How do you use a CBD Liquid?
Depending on the product selected, CBD e-liquids contain different ingredients. For you as a user, it is particularly important to know whether the products contain nicotine. You are also interested in which flavorings contain liquids and how much CBD is present in the product. Characteristic of CBD Liquids is a content of CBD, water and glycerine.
CBD Liquid
In addition to cannabidiol products such as capsules or oils, CBD E Liquid is becoming increasingly popular. The liquid is liquid for e-cigarettes.
CBD Liquid in e-cigarettes
The CBD liquid for e-cigarettes is often mixed with different flavors. Besides these, the liquids contain glycerol. When you buy a liquid, it is best to contact a trader you trust. After all, manufacturers who produce e-liquid for Europe’s market set other standards than traders from China. It can often be seen already in the pricing, whether the contained CBD high or low doses and especially what quality it is.
Cannabinoids can not only be extracted from the hemp plant. They are also produced by laboratory technology. When buying CBD Liquids, always make sure that it is pure cannabidiol. This is usually recognizable when the CBD E Liquid on the packaging lacks the indication that it comes from the hemp plant.
Because all of our yoyocan e-liquids are free of nicotine and exclusively fortified with CBD, you may be able to stop smoking through the CBD. If you smoke CBD, take cannabidiol over the alveoli.
CBD Liquid finds mainly smokers trailers who have switched to e-cigarettes.
Effect of CBD Liquid
If you consume cannabidiol, it is best to use the CBD E Liquid. So you benefit optimally from the effect. Liquid is the liquid for evaporation in e-cigarettes. But even in vaporizers you can smoke the CBD. By vaporizing the liquid it is possible to achieve effects similar to those of a cigarette. The only difference to the normal cigarette is the lack of nicotine. In addition, nothing is burned, but only evaporated. This is an extremely high lung health factor that you should definitely pay attention to.
During the evaporation of e-liquid, you absorb the ingredients directly through the bloodstream. When smoking cigarettes, these first cross the digestive tract and the liver. Thus, the smoking of CBD Liquid with the e-cigarette can achieve a quick effect. Therefore, you can count on an earlier occurrence of a possible effect by about half an hour to whole hour. On the whole, liquids have better bioavailability. Nevertheless, by steaming they are more harmful to the organism.
By vaporizing Liquid, the active ingredients get into the bloodstream faster.
Production and application of liquids
For the production of liquids there are three options. CBD E-Liquid is initially produced like other liquids. They differ in part in the composition. So these additionally contain flavorings. However, for you as a consumer, the way in which the added cannabidiol is produced is crucial. The following three options differ in terms of effort, quality and costs.
production feasibility description
oil:- Due to this process, no alcohol, but oil for the production of CBD is used. Because cannabidiol is fat-soluble. However, the carrier oil used is not evaporable. For this reason, the end product is a light oil. Thus, the process of extraction using a carrier oil is less suitable for the production of CBD E-liquids.
alcohol CBD is an extremely light alcohol soluble substance. During the process of extraction by means of appropriate solvents, a benefit is derived from this aspect. Because there is an insertion of strong cannabinoid-containing portions of the hemp plant – especially the flowers – in alcoholic solutions. These remain in the alcohol until they are completely soaked.
This is followed by a high heating of the mixture. So the alcohol can evaporate. The end product cannabidiol remains behind. The resulting powder is also known as CBD crystals. And, depending on the product, it will continue to be used.
In Germany E Liquid mixes with the CBD. Cost and effort are limited. However, this does not affect the quality of the CBD produced.
Supercritical CO 2 extraction:- Probably the best production method for cannabidiol products is the so-called supercritical CO 2 extraction.
This causes the heating of CBD-containing portions of the hemp plant. As a result, the occurring CBD enters a stage of development that is between the liquid and the gaseous state. There is talk in the jargon of a supercritical phase. During this stage, cannabidiol is relatively easy to dissolve. Therefore, a problem-free dissolution of the CBD from individual parts of the plant using CO 2 gas is given.
What are CBD crystals and how do you use them?
The easily melting CBD crystals can be consumed in a variety of forms. Crystalline cannabidiol is suitable as a smoking product, refined as an ingredient for tasty food and trendy drinks. Each variant has individual advantages. However, one important rule always applies: Only qualitatively perfect crystals from brand manufacturers should be used.
CBD crystals
The non-psychoactive substance CBD is increasingly used in therapeutic and nutraceutical industries. In particular, the relatively new CDB crystals are gaining more and more popularity due to their purity. The fields of application are diverse: this makes CDB crystals to real all-rounder .
Widely used: CBD crystals “dabben”
The use of cannabidiol does not have to scare you. Also in the form of CBD crystals, the substance is non-toxic. One of the most common forms of consuming crystals is the so-called dabbing. So the inhalation of the cloud of steam, which arises from the melting of crystals.
To “dab” CDB crystals you will need:
A so-called Dab Rig, also known as Bong
A burner that generates the necessary heat for the evaporation process
A dabber: a tool that resembles a spatula. This is the best way to process CDB crystals during “dabbing”.
as pure as possible crystals of a brand manufacturer (such as yoyocan or cibdol), ideally with analyzed ingredients and without heavy metals
The method of “dabbing” has a decisive advantage over other forms of consumption. The effect occurs rapidly, almost immediately after inhalation. In addition, the highly efficient “dabbing” of CDB crystals is considered tasteful.
Inhaling crystals is considered to be an efficient and easy-to-use form of consumption, with the effect occurring immediately after inhalation.
Evaporation of crystals with a steam device
If you find the use of a Dab Rig offensive, there are also a variety of sub-forms of evaporation. The use of an evaporator is similar to the process of inhaling liquid in an e-cigarette. It is important to use an evaporator that can process concentrates. However, using it is simple: you fill your extract in the evaporator, heat the device to a comfortable temperature and inhale the resulting vapors during the evaporation process.
The temperature should not be set too high as benzene and carcinogens can form in the mixture to be evaporated. Because every inhalation process brings all the ingredients from the CDB crystals into the body via the respiratory tract, the quality control of the crystals used is extremely important. Make sure that every production batch has been checked by the manufacturer!
If you already use an e-cigarette as a smoker, you can simply add the CBD crystals to your favorite e-liquid. Crystalline cannabidiol dissolves excellently in liquids. Just pour some crystals into a delicious e-liquid and then shake it vigorously.
Crystals can be inhaled with a high-quality evaporator, whereby the extract is gently heated and then smoked; even mixing with e-liquids is easily possible.
Dissolves quasi on the tongue: sublingual consumption
Instead of smelling an extract of cannabidiol, you can literally melt the melt-in-your-mouth crystals on your tongue. Respectively under the tongue: because that is exactly what is meant by sublingual consumption. Slowly approach your personal dose and place the CDB crystals under your tongue for about 60 seconds. Due to the strongly perfused mucous membranes, the active ingredients quickly enter the bloodstream and become quickly noticeable.
Process CBD crystals in food
Probably the tastiest way to consume crystals is to use it in food. Like cannabis, cannabidiol in crystalline form can be used as an ingredient in meals, bakery products or beverages. In contrast to classic “cannabis meals”, CBD crystals do not taste very much like hemp, but rather discreet.